----------------------------Original message----------------------------
We have a patron who wants a map showing the effect upon the world's
coastlines of a one-metre rise in sea-level.  In fact, she would settle
upon a map of any part of the world where the effect would be
particularly noticeable--e.g.  Florida or the Maritime provinces in
Canada.  I have searched through the usual sources, mostly atlases, but
found nothing.  I tried atlases of Florida, including one devoted to
water resources, TImes Atlas of the Oceans, and so on.  But no luck.
ANyone have any ideas?  Thanks.
Richard Hugh Pinnell
Head, University Map and Design Library, University of Waterloo,
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada  N2L 3G1
Phone: 519/888-4567, extension 3412
Fax:   519/746-8476
Email: [log in to unmask]