----------------------------Original message----------------------------
When I saw Fran Woods' note, I knew that my three weeks' accumulation
of mail while I was out travelling had some interesting stuff in it.
Thanks, Larry!  That makes me feel a lot better (see below).
When I was flying from Gainesville (Florida, that is) to Seattle
(Washington, that is) to take my Ph.D. finals, Eastern Airlines was
having a contest on the flight to name the five state capitals which
begin with "A".  A twelve year old kid and I were the only people who
out of the whole load of passengers who got all five.  When I was
telling this story to my committee (AFTER they passed me), one of them
said, "You realize that if you hadn't named all five, we'd have to
take away your degree!"
I ALWAYS try to live up to the popular image of a geographer.  ;-)
Thanks again, Larry.