----------------------------Original message----------------------------
I wonder what "Careful research and analysis" lead the board to select Orlando
in the first place. It seems that they arguements made in this letter could hav
e been made at the time of the initial selection in favor of New York. I guess
my question is why did they choose Orlando in the first place if they do such w
onderful research and analysis on specific sites?  Did they expect the weather
to be different or more people to come to Orlando two years ago? I think this M
iami paranoia has gotten out of hand. Transportation was not much better in L.A
. and we had an quake. At least there was no hurricane in Miami. My next questi
on is- Will ALA never go to LA if OJ is convicted, or will ALA never again go t
o LA if OJ is NOT convicted. Can't these poeple make a decision and stick to it