----------------------------Original message----------------------------
I have a patron looking for the location of a town (or maybe a
region) in Germany where an ancester was born in 1864.  The spell
ing she has in Selaria.  She thinks it's somewhere near Berlin,
which would have been in Prussia.
I can't find this or similar spellings in the BGN gazetteers,
Columbia-Lippincot Gazetteer, etc., and we don't have any
historical gazetteers and few historical maps.  We thought it
might be a way-off corrupted spelling of Silesia, but were hoping
for a more exact match.
Does anyone know where this place is or have a current spelling
for it?  We do have lots of large scale 20th century maps
covering Germany and eastern Europe.
Also, are there any good 19th century gazetteers covering
Prussia, Austria-Hungary, or Eastern Europe that are available in
reprint editions?
Thanks a bunch,
Mark Thomas                         | Yet there's not a train I
Evans Library, Texas A&M University |     wouldn't take
(409) 862-1052 / FAX (409) 845-6238 | No matter where it's going
[log in to unmask]                    |   --Edna St. Vincent Millay