----------------------------Original message----------------------------
I have to teach a short course of lectures on the physical / environmental
geography of Europe, and am looking for some decent maps to illustrate my
talks with. But there seems to be a remarkable dearth of good, not-too-fussy
thematic maps of Europe available, and I would therefore appreciate any
leads or suggestions. I would be interested in virtually any format - folio
sheets, wall maps, electronic images (TIFF, PCX, etc), atlas plates, maps
in text books.... as long as they were suitable for presentation to
NON-SCIENTISTS and non-specialists. Ideally, I can get 35mm slides and/or
OHP slides made of them, or else get copies for display on our walls.
The audience will be First Year European Studies students from a general
Arts/humanities background.
The themes that I am interested in include:
        Solid and drift geology
        Climate zones
                prevailing winds
        Vegetation distribution
        Biogeographic realms
        Water quality
If anyone has suggestions they will be very greatly appreciated.
Many thanks
Darius Bartlett