----------------------------Original message----------------------------
I have received many messages that people had tried unsuccessfully to reach
me by EMAIL when I was on medical leave. Please forgave me for using MAPS-L
for only a slightly map related message.  It is the most efficient method
I could think of for notifying people that since January 1, 1995 a number
of messages sent to me over INTERNET were never received.  So if you still
wish to contact me, please resend the message and I promise to reply
expeditiously.  There was no problem with the MAPS-L messages as fortunately
the University of FLorida also receives the archival/read only service of
Thanks to those who phoned to alert me to the problem.
Also thank you to all those who expressed concern when they heard about my
leg injuries.  I will be answering all these messages separately after the
"emergencies" at work are handled.  As of monday February 11th, I am back at
work full time, mending fairly quickly and will soon be back to normal (watch
out World!!)
HelenJane Armstrong, Map & Imagery Library, University of Florida