----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Dear All,
If I can have a moment of your time, there are a couple of things
that I think are worth mentioning or reminding you of. Normally I do
keep things to a minimum so as not to be accused of inundating you
all with electronic junk mail!
I have had quite a lot of favourable reaction to our Times World Map
& Database, and also some very helpfull suggestions for additions
improvements to the manual, and so on. Only literally one or two of
you have been negative. So many thanks and do please keep letting me
have your comments. For those of you who may have missed this, I
can mail a colour leaflet to anyone who sends me their postal address,
a demo is available at: ftp://ftp.csn.org/COGS/bartdata.exe (watch out,
though, that you download this, run it to uncompress and then you
 MUST copy all 7 files to a 1.4mb diskette before trying to run
SETUP.EXE). If anyone has problems with the demo I can send one on
a diskette instead. Don't forget that Network/multi-user packs are
now available at a substantial discount and there is an additional
25% for educational users off the multi-user prices.
For our European customers the CHEST (University software consortium)
agreement by which our Great Britain 1:250 000, Europe 1:1 million
and World 1:20 million databases are made available to the academic
community for teaching/research use for a very cheap site licence fee,
is now almost certain to be renewed for a further three years from
April 1995. I believe CHEST ([log in to unmask]) can provide details.
An extra this time is the inclusion of our London (UK) 1:5000 data.
Just as a reminder all European Universities or equivalent should be
eligible to participate.
We are very pleased to be able to announce that we will be publishing
shortly (May) a compact disc fo Great Britain maps in the form of TIFF
images. Also included are vector overlays of coastline, county and
regional council areas, classified roads and postcode districts. The
CD will be ready to run with Mapinfo (TM), Arcview (TM), Atlas*GIS (TM),
and in addition the vector overlays will be in a DXF Autocad (TM) format.
Obviously you can also display the TIFF images with any suitable raster
image viewer. Although I say it myself the mapping is very high quality,
in the style of our Bartholomew road atlas, and not subject to any of
the problems which scanning can introduce. Press releases should appear
in the normal GIS/computer magazines shortly, but you can contact me
in the meantime. The compact disc will be free, but there is a snag -
all but a sample is encrypted until such time as you pay. Anyone who
would like a CD when they are available should send their address and
we will send one shortly after publication.
Finally, and I hope I haven't waffled on too much, we are offering
a special deal on the Bartholomew World Map & Gazetteer. This is a
combination of the politcal boundaries for the World from our 1:20m
database and the Gazetteer/Index from 'The Times' (newspaper of
London) Comprehensive Atlas. This gives over 200,000 entries with
lat/longs, country, often the administrative division (e.g. Texas)
and a descriptor if not a town (e.g. R, L, Mt). Until 30th June
the price has been cut to only 1200 pounds (+ VAT if applicable)
instead of the normal 1500 pounds for the Index/Gazetteer alone. Full details
in the March GIS Europe magazine.
Well I think that is more than enough, so thank you for your time
and if I can be of assistance please contact me.
The usual disclaimers apply, and details may change without notice.
Dr Tim Rideout
12 Duncan Street,
Edinburgh, EH9 1TA,
Scotland, Europe
email: [log in to unmask]