Two messages.--------------Johnnie
    : Fri, 17 Feb 1995 11:51:31 +1100
    : [log in to unmask] (Alan Jones)
       : Re: Help Wanted
Well said Alice and Joan.  I wrote something similar in a GIS newsgroup and
was not well received.  Internet should only be used for these sort of
queries when other searches have drawn a blank.  Student supervisors should
also take responsibility for pointing their students in the right direction.
 Instead many seem to be willing to accept the credit, but pass the work
onto other through Internet.  Internet is an amazing resource, but let's not
abuse it.
Alan Jones,                                          email  :
[log in to unmask]
Department of Geography & Planning,    phone : 067 732430
University of New England,                    fax      : 067 711787
NSW 2351,
      [log in to unmask]
    : Fri, 17 Feb 1995 08:26:00 -0800
       : Re[2]: Help Wanted
          Agreed. common problem, apparently, usually handled by
          building a
          "Frequently Asked Questions" (FAQ) page on the server. it
          operates as a "virtual" map librarian (such a librarian
          should be multilingual). we could develop a collective one
          using your response below and leave it on a homepage
          somewhere, and register it with the universal FAQ finder

          I have not looked one over for style/content but it would
          be a distillate of observations like yours. we could refer
          people to it rather than answer the same questions
          repeatedly.  LC