----------------------------Original message----------------------------
On 31 Jan 1995, Janet Bray <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> A genealogist client is trying to find his ancestors' home in Poland.
> Unfortunately it has changed names.  He (and I) would be most
> grateful if someone could tell us what the present-day name of this
> place is.
> It's now in NORTH POLAND, which was formerly (to 1945,
> I think) in EAST PRUSSIA.    When it was in E. Prussia, it
> was known as REICHENBACH.  It's near ELBLAG (ELBING)
> which is 30 miles ESE of Gdansk.
> He tells me that there are at least 5 Reichenbachs in the
> Germany/Poland area!
The Reichenbach in question is Reichenbach, Kreis [county of] Preussisch
Holland, East Prussia;  it is now Rychliki, powiat Paslek.  The registers of
the Protestant church in Reichenbach survive from the 17th century (baptisms
1649;  marriages 1672;  burials 1671) to 1944, when the town was captured by
Polish/Russian troops.  The original registers are deposited in the
Evangelisches Zentralarchiv in Berlin;  the Family History Library in Salt
Lake City also has microfilm copies of these registers, and your client can
borrow copies of these microfilms through any LDS (Mormon) Family History
Michael Palmer
Michael P. Palmer, P.O. Box 765, Claremont, CA 91711        Tel:  909-626-1362
                        Internet:  [log in to unmask]