----------------------------Original message----------------------------
It may not be a great help, but we attempted a listing of general
cartographic societies in Information Sources in Cartography (C.R.
Perkins and R.B. Parry, 1990).
Bob Parry
On Wed, 22 Feb 1995 [log in to unmask] wrote:
> ----------------------------Original message----------------------------
> _
>   Please excuse cross-posting to MapHist and Maps-L
> Can I enlist your support with an inventory of map societies to
> be included in the 'What's What' section of 'Who's Who in the
> History of Cartography' (D8).  I am aware that Bob Highbarger is
> compiling a more detailed inventory for the International Map
> Collectors' Society.  These two initiatives are in support of one
> another.
> We need to complete the text of this Vade Mecum section by the
> end of THIS month (or just into March).  We intend to list as
> many map societies as possible (assuming that all have some
> interest in history) with just three pieces of information: date
> of formation, contact name and address, and title of journal or
> newsletter.  Given that D8 will have a life of a few years, an
> institutional contact address might be preferable, but we will
> include whatever we are given.
> I list below the regional societies we know (there will be a
> separate list of international ones).  Information is sought,
> please, on:-
>     1. Any OTHER map society
>     2. [C] = contact name & address needed
>     3. [F] = date of foundation needed
>     4. [J] = title of journal or newsletter needed
> Where there are no square brackets at the end I have all I need.
> If you have the answer to any of my queries please let me know -
> don't assume somebody else is going to!
> Argentina: Sociedad Argentina de Protocartografia [C,F,J]
> Australian Map Circle
> Canada: Map Soc. of British Columbia; Canadian Cartographic Assn,
> Hist. Cartography Interest Group [C,J]; Edmonton Map Soc. [C,J];
> Ottawa Map Soc. [C,J]
> Cyprus Assn of Map Collectors
> Finland: Chartarum Amici [C,F,J]
> Germany:Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Hist. Kommissionen der Laender u
> Landesgesch. Institut; Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Kartographie.
> Greece: Society for Hellenic Cartography [C,J]
> Israel Map Collectors' Soc.
> Japan: ??
> South African Map Collectors' Assn [C,J]
> Switzerland: Arbeitsgruppe fur Kartengesch. der Schweiz. Gesch.
> fur Kartographie.
> UK.  Charles Close Society
> USA: Arizona Map Soc. [F,J]
>      Boston Map Soc.
>      California Map Soc. [C,J]
>      Chicago Map Soc.  [C,J]
>      Map Soc. of Delaware River [C]
>      Mercator Soc.
>      Michigan Map Soc. [C,J]
>      New York Map Soc. [C,J]
>      Northern Ohio Bibliophilic Soc., Map Interest Committee
>      Rocky Mountain Map Soc. [F,J]
>      Surveyors Historical Soc. [C,F.J]
>      Washington Map Soc.
>      Wisconsin Map Soc - no longer functioning
> (for the Editor and publishers of 'D8')
> Tony Campbell, Map Librarian, British Library
> [log in to unmask]
> PS If you are working in the history of cartography with a view
> to publication and haven't completed a form, please contact me
> IMMEDIATELY. Or if you need subscription details for the volume,
> due out in the summer.  Or if you have had problems faxing the
> input form.