----------------------------Original message----------------------------
This review will be stored at our WWW site http://www.magi.com/~maps/
New, (1994) sectional maps of the western CIS in the MARCO POLO series are
now available. This series comprises four overlapping maps at a scale of
1:750,000. The maps are dated 1994, Mairs Geographischer Verlag, printed in
Germany and the Mairs and Shell logo are included in the copyright
These are excellent road maps with legends in seven or more languages. The
large number of symbols identify a wealth of information, highway type,
number, if under construction and date of projected completion. Seneic
routes, pass with heights and gradients, closure in winter, gas stations,
roadside restaurants, hotels, distances between markers, points of interest,
railways, ferrys, monestarys, palace, cave, campsites, youth hostels,
airports are clearly identified. Relief is shown with shades of grey.
The maps are named and numbered from North to South as follows:
1.      "Rossija"
        Paper size 38 x 55 inches printed on one side including an inset map of
Moscow and another inset of                    St Peterburg.
2/3.    "Belarus, Rossija, Ukrajina"
        Paper size 41 x 38 inches printed on two sides including an inset map of Kiev.
4.      "Ukrajina, Krym, Moldova"
        Paper size 54 x 38 inches printed on one side.
5.      "Cernoe More, Ssakhartwelo"
        Paper size 54 x 28 inches printed on one side.
6.              "CIS"
                Paper size 38 x 53 inches printed on two sides, one side has
western CIS at 1:2,000,000 with inset                 maps of Moskva,
Sankt-Peterburg and Kijev,  the other side has the entire CIS at 1:
10,000,000 and                 inset maps of Irkutsk and Ozero Bajkal.
The price in Canada funds for these excellent maps of Russia is $ 14.95
each, contact us for ordering information.
Brad Green
              ========= WORLD OF MAPS =========
118 Holland Ave. Ottawa,ON, Canada. Tel. (613) 724-6776
   Thousands of maps, atlases, travel books, custom cartography
         Order by phone or from our online catalogue
http://www.magi.com/~maps/  or email: [log in to unmask] for information
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