----------------------------Original message----------------------------
I thought that someone may be interested in claiming these unique maps.
Cheryl Woods
Map Library
University of Western Ontario
London, Canada
-------------------- Forwarded message
 Jeff Plescia, NASA Office of Space Science, NASA Headquarters
called me with the following information.  Many, many sets of
lunar maps from the Apollo era are available to any library
who wants them.  This large quantity was discovered in a
warehouse in Houston, and they must dispose of them probably
by next month.  A complete set is 600 maps.  To give some idea
of space needed, Jeff estimates that if stacked on top of each
other, it would be about 1' of maps.  Please send Jeff a message
if you need more information, or would like a set.
 His address is:  [log in to unmask]
   Brenda Corbin
Brenda G. Corbin, Librarian               Phone: 202/653-1499
U. S. Naval Observatory                     Fax: 202/653-1497
3450 Massachusetts Ave., N.W.
Washington, D.C.  20392-5420              e-mail: [log in to unmask]