----------------------------Original message----------------------------
                    Thursday, 30 July, 1995
Hello Maps-L,
        I am trying to find a source for topographic maps of:
     Aconcagua, Argentina - 1:50,000
Series Name:    Carta Topografica de la Argentina 1:50,000
Maps needed:
hoja Co. Aconcagua        3369-7-4
hoja Co. Ameghino         3369-8-3
hoja Las Cuevas             3369-13-2
hoja Puente del Inca      3369-14-1
Instituto Geografico Militar (IGM)
Buenos Aires
We are looking for the most recent edition available of these maps.
We would be interested getting them sent to the University of
Wisconsin-Madison via Interlibrary Loan,  or having color photocopies made
and then sent to us.
A possible alternative would be to have color copies made (11x17) and the
sent to us at a reasonable cost.
Please email me directly at  [log in to unmask]  or the address above as
a I am not on the email list [log in to unmask] at present.
Thanks for your help.
Dierk Polzin
Dept of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
Madison Wisconsin