----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Thought the following information might interest the listserv.  I haven't
followed the discussion on Maps-L about the Italian maps Ernie is
referring to, but I can contribute the following.
We have an order out to GeoCentre for 5 small-scale maps of Italy at
1:250,000; these are maps organized on the basis of regions--there is a
map of Sicily and one of Calabria, etc.  We just received a quote for
these 5 maps and they are going to cost 88 DM each.  For the five maps
this will work out to over $400 (Canadian dollars).  Needless to say, I
cancelled the order.  I have found over the years that trying to purchase
maps of Italy has been an ordeal.  Either too expensive, or coverage not
yet available, or the material that is sent is not what we ordered (ie.,
when ordering from Italy).
On Wed, 29 Mar 1995, Ernie Woodson wrote:
> ----------------------------Original message----------------------------
> Hello,  Looking at the catalog of Geocenter in Stuggart , on page 235 (26)
> they list Carta dei suoli della Sicilia by Fierotti. I think you can purchase
> the map from that source. InternationalesLandkartenhaus GmbH, Postfach 80 08 30
> D-7000  Stuggart, Germany.     Ernie Woodson  SUNY at Buffalo, New York