----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Hi, Thought someone in North America might be able to help with this
one.  Please reply directly to Mr. Green, if possible.
|Alberta Auringer Wood, Map Librarian, Memorial University of Newfoundland, |
|St. John's, Newfoundland, CANADA  A1B 3Y1.  phone: 709-737-8892;           |
|     fax: 709-737-2153;     Internet:  [log in to unmask]             |
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 04 Apr 95 13:15:00 GMT
From: Green, Kevin <[log in to unmask]>
To: 'lis-maps' <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Maps of China
Does anyone know of the existence of any large scale (1:50,000) maps of
Stanfords do not know of any currently in print, but there is the
possibilitythat there are some out-of-print maps around.
We need a topological map centred on the city of Wuhan, with about a 10km
Any help or suggestions gratefully received.
Kevin Green
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