----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Having spent 8 years cataloging maps for the Univ. of Georgia map
collection I am aware of maps in that collection for the 1932, 1936, and
also for I think the L.A. games as well as for a couple of the Winter
Olympic games. Please contact Johnnie Sutherland or Tom Hardaway for
assistance with these types of maps in the Univ. of Georgia's map
collection. There may be more in the collection that I was unaware of.
P.S. to Johnnie: hope this doesn't make too much work for you guys.
Mr. Paige G. Andrew
Maps/Nonbook Cataloging Librarian
E506 Pattee Library
The Pennsylvania State University
University Park, PA 16802
phone: 814-865-1755
email: [log in to unmask]