----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Hello,  I am the map cataloger for the University of Utah's Marriott Library,
so I obviously have strong feelings about the value of doing real and good cata
loging for maps.  Here at U of U, all formats are cataloged.  I find it sad
that maps and other formats are still considered unwanted step-children of the
collection.  By putting map records in the online catalog, the institution is
in effect saying "Our map collection is important and an integral part of the
overall collection."  By leaving them out, obviously the opposite is implied.
  Specialized catalogers like myself do exist, so if your institution refuses
to do it themselves, they might consider "outsourcing" through OCLC's services
or to private freelancers that are starting to pop up.  But that has its limits
 as well.  Best to do it onsite.                 --- Good luck,  K.R.