To DSSAT users, am forwarding a message received from Dr. Shrikant Jagtap
of IITA, Ibadan.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 9 Jun 1995 03:27:00 -1000
From: Jagtap, Shrikant <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Calculations in overview file for Org C
1. I noticed that the line TOT following profile reads a large Kg/ha under
Org C% column. Is that correct. I find results are sensitive to it.
2. Units on HWUM are mg or gm? - Soybean prints them as g and I thinks thats
what it should be. Typo in the manual Pg 87 vol2?
3. What is by-products? is it Biomass-SeedWT?
4. Shelling% is used as Threshing % :Terminology problem?
5. PCLA not defined but conversion program calculates and puts it in T files
6. The ccP file and ccD file are they really used by the graphics and how?
7. H#AM and H#UM, I think this refers to seed?
8. Where is definition for ECO file?