----------------------------Original message----------------------------
        Nancy, MAPS-L folk, et al:
        I started to wish everyone a "Happy Solstice" but figured someone
        would jump on it.  Thanks Nancy for mentioning that we just passed
        one of those "geographic" days yesterday afternoon (4:34 p.m. EDT).
        No, I haven't been in New York exactly on one of those interesting
        days.  In Mexico, almost everyone (except the new visitors) walks
        on the shady side of the street on hot days.  Sounds like there is
        no escaping the sun on those E-W streets in New York.  I guess
        when's it's hot, everyone walks N-S, eh?
        Just for your information, Knoxville this week has been about 80
        degrees high everyday and about 60 degrees for lows.  Not bad at
        all when you look at those Alpena, MI, Boston, New York and hot
        lands to the north.
        Jim Minton
        Keeping cool (so far)