----------------------------Original message----------------------------
        The Map Specialty Group of the Northern Ohio Bibliophilic
    Society has scheduled a tour of the G.I.S. Lab at Kent State
    University this Wednesday courtesy of Dr. Ute Dymon. Ed Hall,
    Map Librarian at KSU, will also wear the "tourguide hat" for
    a visit to the University's Map Library that evening.
        These tours are scheduled for Wednesday, June 28th, at
    7:00 p.m. at McGilvery Hall (Kent's Geography Building) and are
    open to anyone interested in Geographic Information Systems or
    just maps in general. McGilvery Hall is located just south of
    Ohio Route 59, on the KSU Main Campus, near the intersection
    of S.Lincoln and E.Summit. Parking is available in the
    bookstore lot just across the street.
        Dr. Dymon is the co-author of An Atlas of Massachusetts
    River Systems, and is an Assistant Professor in the Department
    of Geography at KSU.
        For additional information contact Bill Barrow (R1647@
    vmcms.csuohio.edu) or Maureen Farrell ([log in to unmask])
    216 (623-2880).
    Maureen Farrell
    Cleveland Public Library, Map Collection