----------------------------Original message----------------------------
[To subscribers to lismaps, MapHist and MapsL - please excuse the
                THE IMCOS-TOOLEY AWARD
Francis Herbert, Curator of Maps at the Royal Geographical
Society, is this year's recipient of the IMCoS-Tooley Award.  The
presentation was made by Admiral Steve Ritchie at the annual
dinner of the International Map Collectors' Society in London on
24 June.
The award recognizes Mr Herbert's outstanding performance as a
map librarian, his encyclopedic knowledge of the literature on
cartography (from early times up to the present) and the
exceptional practical help he continues to offer to enquirers
from all over the world.  Among the many services to our subject
for which he was thanked are the continued compilation of the
bibliography for Imago Mundi and his role as Research Editor of
The Map Collector.
I am sure that many subscribers to the three lists mentioned
above will share my delight at this thoroughly deserved honour.
Tony Campbell
Map Librarian, British Library and IMCoS Council member
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