----------------------------Original message----------------------------
     For a presentation at the S.L.A. conference in Montreal, and perhaps a
     writeup in the Bulletin of the Geography & Map Division, I would like
     to hear from you map library folks about your best publicity stunt,
     public relations move, public program that brought your map library
     some attention, if not notoriety.  Could be a famous visitor, could be
     an exhibit, could be a naming opportunity [your collection was named
     after a famous alumnus or faculty member, etc.] could be...
     Just one good anecdote from your files...
     My example for your delectation is a simple letter to the editor of
     The New York Times, in response to a map article of several years ago.
     The letter to the editor described the maps in the collections here,
     and resulted in a raft of readers and reference letters, and raised
     the awareness of a lot of people about the existence of the map
     collection within the Research Libraries.
     Or if you are of a more serious bent, you can let me know of some long
     term things you do [pathfinders, fliers, posters] that bring in users
     to your map library.  Thanks, Alice Hudson, Map Division, NYPL