----------------------------Original message----------------------------
We have the following sheets from that series and could lend them to you
(either directly to your map collection or thru official ILL channels):
7649IV NE
Phil Hoehn
Map Collection
Earth Sciences and Map Library
University of California
Berkeley, CA 94720-6000
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On Wed, 12 Jul 1995, Eric Schmidt wrote:
> ----------------------------Original message----------------------------
>         We have a patron here who is looking for 1:25,000 scale
> topogrpahic mapping of the Marshall Islands. She has located an index for
> an AMS series numbered W861 (index published 1946). Our index books do not
> include this index, nor does our collection of maps include this series.
> There is some thought that this may be a series only recently declassified.
> If that's so, I don't guess any of us would have it yet - and might never
> receive it on deposit anyway. But, on the chance that someone out there
> does have it, we're trying to get an inter-library loan source for
> photocopies and possibly another source for eventual purchase. If anyone can
> be of assistance, we would be greatful. I've checked all of our AMS/DMA
> index books, the "Inventory Of World Mapping" Vol 3 (which lists the
> Marshall Islands, but not W861), MapLink, etc. Any other leads or
> information would be wonderful.
> Thanks In Advance,
> Eric
> Eric Schmidt
> University of Tennessee
> Cartographic Information Center
> [log in to unmask]
> (That's A New E-Mail Address By The Way)