----------------------------Original message----------------------------
On Jul 18,  8:51am, Kathryn Womble wrote:
> Subject: Too many barcodes!
----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Problem: We are using one bibliographic set record for Washington 7.5' topos
and attaching an item record to that set record for each topo sheet.
Innovative limits us to attaching about 3000 item records to one
bibliographic set record. We will exceed 3000 item records for WA 7.5'
topos because we keep multiple copies of all editions.
>-- End of excerpt from Kathryn Womble
Stanford Univ. Libraries have the same problem for the same reasons;
NOTIS limits the item record attachment number per holding statement,
we hold many more thousands of California quadrangles than allowable.
SO, we made two bibliographic records for California 7.5 minute quads
and altered the titles slightly -- striving to match the USGS title --
7.5 minute series (topographic), [California, north half],
7.5 minute series (topographic), [California, south half].
This is what millions of Californians want anyway, maybe in WA the
division should be east/west?
Actually, if you can, perhaps you'd rather have one record for current
quads and one (or more) for superceded; your filing system would not
need to reflect the distinction.  Have fun with it Kathryn,
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