----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Maybe someone knows where I can find a Digital Chart of the World
cdrom set?  USGS is out of stock and will not be receiving any more
kits until the DMA releases the next edition.  Needless to say, the
release date of the second edition is > when I need it.  So, I found
one source, except they marked the price up to $2,995.  The government
price is $200.  So, I'm a bit steamed.
Does anyone know of a source (you maybe?) where I can purchase or
borrow a Digital Chart of the World set?  All I need to do is extract
data for a particular region of Europe.  Another project needs
information regarding the State of Texas.  Any help is appreciated.
Charles Gilley            |   All comments are my own...
Senior Software Engineer -|-
AEL/Cross Systems         |   Cross Systems - We make your radar
404-475-3633              |   see double, triple, or more.