----------------------------Original message----------------------------
 * Carta, lismaps, MapHist, MapsL - please excuse cross-posting *
To all who subscribe (or are about to subscribe!) to 'IMAGO
MUNDI, the international journal for the history of cartography'.
With the retirement from ill health of our Secretary-Treasurer,
Mr Brian Dolley, ALL correspondence should now come to me at the
address given below.
The 1995 volume (No. 47) is now available.  At 236 pages, it is
the largest in IM's 60-year history.  It has also been redesigned
and has a number of improvements.
Regular subscribers will shortly be receiving proforma invoices
in the usual way.  We apologise for not getting these out sooner,
and for any delays there may have been in responding to your
orders or enquiries in recent months.
If you have any queries, or want further information, please
contact me.
Tony Campbell, Chairman Imago Mundi Ltd
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Imago Mundi, c/o British Library Map Library, Great Russell
Street, London WC1B 3DG, UK.     Fax: (0) 171 412 7780