----------------------------Original message----------------------------
        We have a patron here who is looking for 1:25,000 scale
topogrpahic mapping of the Marshall Islands. She has located an index for
an AMS series numbered W861 (index published 1946). Our index books do not
include this index, nor does our collection of maps include this series.
There is some thought that this may be a series only recently declassified.
If that's so, I don't guess any of us would have it yet - and might never
receive it on deposit anyway. But, on the chance that someone out there
does have it, we're trying to get an inter-library loan source for
photocopies and possibly another source for eventual purchase. If anyone can
be of assistance, we would be greatful. I've checked all of our AMS/DMA
index books, the "Inventory Of World Mapping" Vol 3 (which lists the
Marshall Islands, but not W861), MapLink, etc. Any other leads or
information would be wonderful.
Thanks In Advance,
Eric Schmidt
University of Tennessee
Cartographic Information Center
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