My Dear Ricardo,
>I'm also interested in knowing the correct reference of a paper delivered
>in the summer course at Univer. Florida last year:
>Authors:Kropff, Williams, Horie, Angus, Singh, Centeno e Cassman
>Title: Predicting yield potencials of rice in different environments
    The first author of this paper now resides in AB DLO  Wageningen,
    Netherlands.  Pl.  Keep in touch with him at <[log in to unmask]>.
Dr. M. SELVARAJAN           *   Tel.    091-080-3334474 Ext 2151*
Scientist                   *   Fax.    091-080-3334298         *
NNRMS,ISRO                  *   Telex   0845-8165 NRMS IN       *
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