----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Hi there.
I need opinions on cataloging USGS maps.  Currently, our USGS topos are
uncataloged.  Our govdocs collection is SuDocs and our maps collection
is in the same area as government documents.  We plan on cataloging our USGS
Topos, any recommendations on what classification system we should use?
Also, if you could let me know how you think one system makes access to
the maps easier than the other.  I have been doing a lot of reading on
this stuff, but it always is reassuring to hear what libraries are
actually doing.  We are leaning towards LC, but I would still like to have
some opinions.
Also, if other libraries who are in the same situation as we are
(separate govdocs classed in SuDocs) could let me know what they are doing
with their USGS maps I would be thrilled.
I know these are involved questions, so any help would be appreciated.
   Wendy S. Mann
   Government Documents/Electronic Resources Librarian
   University of Pittsburgh
   207 Hillman Library          (412)648-7726
   Pittsburgh, PA  15260        e-mail: [log in to unmask]