This message is from Barbara Cox.---------------Johnnie
    Subject: map retrospective conversion
    We've reached a milestone here at the University of Utah which I
would like to share with other map librarians.  Retrospective
conversion is essentially complete.  Records for nearly all* of our
180,000 sheets are in the library's on-line catalog.
    This shows a remarkable effort by catalogers--most notably Ken
Rockwell-- and support staff over the years.  It shows institutional
commitment  by the Cataloging Division because this was all done as
part of normal workflow and not as a special grant-funded project.
    I assume, perhaps geocentricly, that this is one of the larger
map databases around. (Disabuse me if I'm wrongfully prideful).  Has
anyone tossed their card catalog?
    To visit us electronically use the addresses below.  We use NOTIS
software--you may enter commands on any screen. Use EXP US to get a
list of commands.  UNIS is the nickname for the catalog.
            once connected, tab to command line and type: d unis
            select Other U of U gophers, select Marriott Library,
            select UNIS
    World Wide Web:
Barbara Cox        [log in to unmask]
Science and Engineering Division, 159 Marriott Library
University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah USA 84112
(801)581-7533      fax (801)585-3464
Barbara Cox        [log in to unmask]
Science and Engineering Division, 159 Marriott Library
University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah USA 84112
(801)581-7533      fax (801)585-3464