Just wanted to forward this response to the list server.  Hope it can
help others with the same problems.  Also, unanswered questions will,
hopefully, be answered later by other DSSAT v3 developers.
Daniel Imamura                         Computer Specialist
University of Hawaii-Manoa             Email: [log in to unmask]
2500 Dole Street, Krauss Hall rm 118   Phone: (808)956-8858
Honolulu, Hawaii 96822                 http://everex.ibsnat.hawaii.edu
---------- Forwarded message ----------
> My current problem(s) is/are as detailed below:
> I am trying to generate daily weather data using SIMMETEO for the purpose
> of comparing with observed data for a particular station. Then export the
> generated data into SAS format so as to run the moisture model that I am
> using(uses a daily time frame). In the course of generation I have noted that
> relative humidity and wind are not among the generating variables. While in
> the moisture model that I use, requires these two variables in the estimation/
> calculation of potential evapotranspiration (advective term).
> Now my questions are:
> 1. Doesn't Weatherman generate wind and relative humidity?
> 2. Am I wrong to use defaults in the 'check ranges'?
> 3. How can I view and print the daily generated weather variables?
Use can use the "Analyze" menu in weatherman to do some statistical
analysis on the generated weather data and graph the data themselves.  Or
you can also use the any ASCII editor to view/print the file.  You will
have make sure to save the file as specified in the response for question
#4 below.
> 4. On temporary file options... which selection should I make so that my
>    files are saved if I intend to export the next day I start the weatherman
>    session? (prompt for each file/ keep at the end of session)?
"Prompt for each file" should prompt you about deleting temporary files
at the end of the weatherman session.  The "Keep at end of session" will
automatically keep all files created by weatherman.  I'd use the "Keep at
end of session" option.
> 5. When I tried to plot a graph of monthly Tmax and Tmin , I got >200
>    scatterings while I was expecting 24 only. What is my mistake? Also the
>    units on both axises are strange to me.
Under Analyze-Graph, change the "Grouping" option to "Monthly summary" to
get a graph of the monthly means for Tmax and Tmin.  Change this grouping
option before selecting the variables.
> Please help. I will be grateful to get some responses to my questions. Have
> a nice week-end.
Hope this helps.  Feel free to contact us again.
Daniel Imamura                         Computer Specialist
University of Hawaii-Manoa             Email: [log in to unmask]
2500 Dole Street, Krauss Hall rm 118   Phone: (808)956-8858
Honolulu, Hawaii 96822                 http://everex.ibsnat.hawaii.edu