>On Mon, 11 Sep 1995, MOHAMMAD BANNYAN AVVAL wrote:
>> I typed my experiment details in xcreate file and when i decide to
>> save it , it says to me that it is not a valid file name , i used the
>> name: nosb9301.whx
>> any guide would be appreciate.
>Double check that have defined the EXPERIMENT-IDENTIFIERS correctly as
>"nosb9301" and the crop group as "wh".   And is this for an EXPERIMENT
>fileX and not a Seq. or Seasonal fileX.
>Daniel Imamura                         Computer Specialist
>University of Hawaii-Manoa             Email: [log in to unmask]
>2500 Dole Street, Krauss Hall rm 118   Phone: (808)956-8858
>Honolulu, Hawaii 96822                 http://everex.ibsnat.hawaii.edu