----------------------------Original message----------------------------
        Our University Development Office is doing a background piece
on a gentleman who was a significant patron of the University. As part of
the piece, they are going to display the year and location of his birth,
which happens to be 1924 in Josbach, Germany. I have searched the
gazateers and other sources that we have at our disposal here, and can
not find a lising for it. Certainly it could have undergone a name change
or it could be too small for any of our sources to mention.
        Any assistance in locating this small but significant town would
be appriciated.
Thanks in advance,
Eric Schmidt                      |
University of Tennessee           |     "GIS Ain't Cartography"
Cartographic Information Center   |
[log in to unmask]                  |     -To Be On My Tombstone-
*Note New Address*                |