This message is from Alice Hudson.----------Johnnie
----------------------------Original message----------------------------
I thought this might interest some maps-l folk, from my second fave listserv,
H-Urban. Alice H.  Map Div, NYPL
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>Subject: Re: GIS
>Author:  "Mark Peel, H-Urban Co-Editor" <[log in to unmask]> at
>Date:    8/25/95 1:48 PM
Posted by Loomis Mayfield <[log in to unmask]>
On Thu, 17 Aug 1995 Rich Schein posted:
> But to my main point: as with all technological innovations, the
> recent evolution of easily accessible GIS's (I run one on my desktop
> PC) requires us to socially contextualize the process and its
> outcomes....
My work with PRAG brings me into contact with a number of community
groups in the Chicago area.
One organization, Bethel New Life in the West Garfield Park
community in Chicago, is using GIS/mapping software to develop
comprehensive files on property, people, and infrastructure in the
area.  It is using the technology for long-range planning and land
use issues, with community input.
If anyone is interested in learning more about this innovative use
of computer software and technology by a community organization, you
may contact me by private e-mail and I can get you in touch with the
right person at Bethel New Life.
Loomis Mayfield                         Voice:  312-508-8112
Research Coordinator                    Fax:    312-508-8644
Policy Research Action Group
264s Granada Center                     Internet address:
6525 N. Sheridan Road                   [log in to unmask]
Loyola University - Chicago
Chicago, Illinois  60626
Standard disclaimers about any statements of opinion apply.