----------------------------Original message----------------------------
  I'm an amateur map freak, and just recently found this list.  I've
  built up a decent collection of antique maps, and for a few years I
  sold reprints of maps from my collection via mailorder.
  The reprint business was too much work so I got out of it.  For the
  last couple years, I've been combining my software skills with my map
  collection and produced various computer-generated 'birds-eye-views'
  and 'fly-throughs'*   of various landscapes.  I feel today's average
  desktop computers can provide new methods for exploring and visualizing
  Is anyone on this list using desktop PCs as an aid in map visualization?
* a 'fly-through' is a computer animation that gives the sensation of
  flying through a 3 dimensional landscape.  The landscape is initially
  built from digital map information, and then a couple hundred 'frames'
  are generated from various points in the landscape.  The frames are then
  shown in sequence and the result is a fly-through.
  Web Home Page:    http://home.aol.com/menotomy
  ftp site for sample 3d fly-through of the Bull Run area in the 1860s
  (US Civil War):   users.aol.com:/menotomy/flythru/bullrun.zip