This message was sent in by Richard Soares at BYU.--------Johnnie
----------------------------Original message----------------------------
here is a little more info on the GEONAME CD which was taken from
GDE's homepage
World Wide Geographic Names at your fingertips:
The GEONAME Digital Gazetteer CD-ROM for IBM-compatible PCs running
Data includes over:
4 million geographic names (non-US)
200 countries
Over 500 feature types:
     Cities & towns
     Spot & Area
     Political Administrative Areas
Applies Romanized form of 64 languages with diacritics and special
Identifies name cross-references and correct spellings
Exports to many:
     GIS databases
     Word Processors
Source is a US Government database used to support world-wide
mapping and charting
Annual updates available at low cost
As world economies move toward globalization, geographic information
requirements increase for cartographers, geographers, librarians,
government agencies, international relief organizations, business
trend analysts, and many others.  The GEONAME Digital Gazetteer
supports these needs, and more, by providing the largest source of
international feature names available.
GEONAME can replace over 200 printed US Government gazetteers.  This
single CD allows use of the data anywhere a computer can go.  Low cost
annual updates ensure that current information is available.
GEONAME is a powerful tool for geo-locating named features, defining
correct names in the Romanized form of the local national language,
and determining the  correct name as cross-referenced from variants.
GEONAME has an easy, flexible query and display format.  Use GEONAME
to generate names on maps, enhance demographic databases, merge with
data from other sources to determine a geographic location, or
research general geographic features and names.  You can set up user-
defined data fields for export to many geographic information
databases, spreadsheets, and word processors.  Create custom
gazetteers, specialized maps, or topical reports in a simple process.
GEO-NAME is both a massive international names resources library and
an essential research tool for our modern world.
GEO-NAME brings this world to your fingertips.
Query options:
     Query by name using wildcards (asterisk) for easy searching
     without diacritics or special characters, or for a range of names
     Search through one or more of the 8 broad feature classes
     Search through one or more specific feature types
     Define geographic area of interest using GEO-NAME map display,
     or enter specific geographic coordinates
     Search within one or more countries
Set standing query preferences:
     Display names sorted by Name, Coordinates, or Feature Type
     Display names with or without diacritics and special characters
     Display UTM Military Reference Grid coordinates
     Display JOG map sheet identification
Set export data format for databases or spreadsheets:
     Text delimiters
     Field separators
     Coordinate format
With or without diacritics and special characters
User selectable Name and Feature data fields
Names cross-reference among:
     Conventional (English language)
     LocaL National (Romanized form of local official national
     Variant (may include minority language or former names)
On-screen editing tools permit creating a text document within the
Help files document system processes and display formats, and define
all codes used in the data.
GEO-NAME minimum system requirements:
IBM-compatible PC
80386SX processor
4 MB Hard Disk space
MS-DOS with Windows 3.1 or 3.11
CD-ROM drive
For more information contact:
Geographic Information Department
GDE Systems, Inc.
PO Box 509008, San Diego, CA 92150-9008
Tel: 619-592-5840 Fax: 619-592-5320
email: [log in to unmask]
Last updated and validated Wednesday 28 June 1995 by:
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