----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Greetings, map gurus,
I saw a question on the law list which you would be most likely to know a
good answer to.
I'm not on this list, but if you could reply to me directly at
[log in to unmask]   or the "originator" at the end of the
forwarded message, I'd really appreciate it!
Thanks in advance,
I appreciate that this is an odd question to place on LAWLIB, but I'll
take any help I can get where I find it.
We have some employees originally from Antigua who are concerned about the
fate of their relatives still on the island (it took a direct hit from
hurricane Luis yesterday).  The island's telephone lines, etc., are down
and out indefinitely.  We cannot get through to the Antiguan consulate
office in Toronto or their embassy in Ottawa.  They are no doubt
overwhelmed with calls.
Does anyone know of an Internet site where information on the situation in
Antigua might be found?
Jim Spence, Librarian
Weir & Foulds
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
M5X 1J5    Tel. (416) 947-5057   FAX (416) 365-1876