----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Dear All,
As you are all map people this might be of interest.
As a result of the forthcoming move of Bartholomew - HarperCollins
Cartographic to Glasgow from Edinburgh it is likely that there will
be a number of vacancies for experienced cartographers. These will
probably be on both the editorial (compilation, map design and
specification) side and GIS/DTP side (though the distinction between
the two is getting very blurred). Familiarity with Arc/Info, Adobe
Illustrator, Corel or similar on Sun workstations and Apple PowerPCs
would be a distinct advantage.
As we are not sure of the exact requirements yets there are no
formal adverts, but as usual with us anyone interested should
send their CV to Alex Elder, Cartographic Director, Bartholomew,
12 Duncan Street, Edinburgh, EH9 1TA, Scotland. When we say they
are held on file we mean it - it is not unusual to be contacted
months later if a suitable vacancy comes up (it happened to me!).
Salaries range up to about 15,000 pounds p.a.
We are also definitely looking for a RDBMS expert proficient in
SQL, ORACLE and the administration/development of a large database.
Some familiarity with GIS (Arc/Info) would be helpfull, but is
not essential. Please contact Jim Irvine, R&D Manager, at the above
address. Press adverts for this post should appear soon in the
Scottish media.
Please do not contact me about either of these as I am not involved
in the hiring of staff - I am just the one with email.
Tim Rideout
Bartholomew - HarperCollins Cartographic