I have put version 1.53 of the simpotato model on my ftp site for
anyone interested in looking at it or using it.  Does anyone know
of any other potato models that are freely available?
For ftp users, the address is:
ftp ftp.tricity.wsu.edu   /pub/simpotato directory
get the files sim153.exe, readme.1st and either cinstall.bat or
For users of www browsers such as netscape or lynx, use:
Cheers, Tom
Tom Hodges, Cropping Systems Modeler
USDA-ARS                   email: [log in to unmask]
24106 N Bunn Road          voice: 509-786-9207
Prosser, WA 99350 USA      Fax:   509-786-9370, 509-786-9277
==         HomePage http://www.tricity.wsu.edu/htmls/hodges       ==
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If this represents anything, it is only my opinion.