----------------------------Original message----------------------------
          The DMA's NVPUB106 "Atlas of Pilot Charts of the North
          Atlantic Ocean" is a re-packaged version of their former
          (now cancelled I believe)  PILOT16 which had been on issue
          for decades.
          This is pure Physical Oceanography folks, and if you're
          interested in small-scale means for the North Atlantic
          including the Gulf of Mexico, Caribbean, North Sea, Baltic
          Sea, and Mediterranean, you should obtain this atlas.  The
          subjects are: Tropical Cyclones, Gales, Surface Pressure,
          Extratropical Cyclones, Visibility, Air Temperature, Sea
          Surface Temperature, Wave Heights,Ocean Currents, and, of
          course, winds.
          I have edition 2 1990 and several linear feet of the former
          PILOT16 which was issued on a quarterly schedule and in a
          different format.
          - PML
            Scripps Institution of Oceanography