----------------------------Original message----------------------------
The Map Interest group of the Northern Ohio Bibliophilic Society
will meet at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, January 24, at the Cuyahoga
County Archives. Located at 2905 Franklin in the Ohio City
neighborhood of Cleveland's near west side, the Archives is
housed in the old Italianate Rhodes and Sanford mansions.
Judy Cetina, the map expert on the Archives staff, is both a knowlegeable
and enthusiastic speaker. This will be a unique opportunity to view some
historic maps of the Cleveland area. So come join us!
SLA members who may be in town a day early for the SLA Winter
Meeting & Education Conference would be most welcome to join us.
We can arrange transportation from the hotel for you.
For further info please contact:
Bill Barrow  (216) 585-9716 or e-mail [log in to unmask]
Maureen Farrell, Cleveland Public Library (216) 623-2880
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