----------------------------Original message----------------------------
        Again, we have found a couple more volumes of the Indian Ocean
Expedition Atlas Series. We have:
   "Oceanographic Atlas of the International India Ocean Expedition"
    National Science Foundation * Washington, D.C. * November 1971
   "Meteroological Atlas of the International Indian Ocean Expedition"
           -Volume 1  The Surface Climate of 1963 and 1964-
    National Science Foundation * Washington, D.C. * September 1972
        These two volumes are offered free to the first library to claim
them. We will pay postage. Send request to:  [log in to unmask]
Eric Schmidt
University of Tennessee
Cartographic Information Center           -TN State ESIC Office-
15 Hoskins Library
Knoxville, TN   37996-4006
(615) 974-4315