----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Re: Scaling-up maps for murals and 3D models:
I am looking for a short list of books (Title, Author, Publisher, ISBN -
or - Title, Author, Call code) describing techniques which will help two of my
customers contemplating the following projects.
  Project A) Draw an environmental map mural approx size 8 x 8 ft of the Bay
of Fundy and Gulf of Maine (northern part) - approx  360 x 360 miles - showing
rivers, major streams, etc., with contour lines (topographic & hydrographic),
using topographic maps (1:50 000, 1:250 000) and nautical charts (1:50 000,
1:200 000, 1:300 000, and 1:1 000 000).
  Project B) Build a 3D plywood/papiermache(?) model (size unknown) of the
Magaguadavic River, New Brunswick, watershed - approx 20 x 60 miles - using
1:50 000 or 1:250 000 topographic maps.
With thanks.
Nick Wainman-Wood
Blue Peter Nautical Books & Charts
P O Box 250, St Andrews, New Brunswick, Canada E0G 2X0
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