----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Just to let people know (especially MAGERT members) that I have changed
jobs as of January 1st.  I am still at Duke, but I am now in the Reference
Department instead of Public Documents and Maps.  My former position will
be advertised shortly (I will post it on Maps-L).
 This will not affect my commitment to MAGERT - I will continue as Chair
and Past Chair, etc.  In fact, I am still responsible for the Map
Collection until a new librarian is hired, and hope to continue to help
with the GIS and computer maps even then.
Please note new phone number.
* Margaret Brill
* Reference Department                  919/660-5880                                                    *
* Perkins Library                   Internet:[log in to unmask]      *
* Duke University                      or   : [log in to unmask]     *
* Durham, NC  27708-0177                                                *
*                                                                       *