----------------------------Original message----------------------------
I agree with you about patrons damaging maps in the horizontal cases.  Years
ago when we were considering purchasing a new map case I can remember asking
around and not getting any feedback on the vertical cases.  We decided to try
one.  Based on our department's experience - I would recommend you stick with
the horizontal.
The vertical can hold a large number of maps of varying sizes - but the folders
that you put them in become too heavy and awkward to handle.   The further back
in the case that you need to pull a folder - the harder it gets.  I don't know
what other people's experiences are.
Ours is an Ulrich Planfiler.  Depending on the thickness, it can hold anywhere
from 60 to 90 folders.  Maximum sheets per folder range from  15 to 50.
Kathleen A. Kinsey
Dep. no. 465
Langsam Library - Documents               /--------------------------\
University of Cincinnati                 / MINDS ARE LIKE PARACHUTES  \
P.O. Box 210033                         / THEY ONLY FUNCTION WHEN OPEN \
Cincinnati, OH  45221-0033              --------------------------------
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