----------------------------Original message----------------------------
     Federal Depository Library Program participants and others who like to
follow world events may be interested to look at the new Tactical Pilotage
Chart released by the Defense Mapping Agency.  This first edition, with air
information current through 13 December 1995 is at the scale of 1:500,000
like other sheets in the series, but includes areas that would normally be
found on four sheets (TPC sheets F-2B, F2-C, F3-A, and F3-D).  I guess that
this further supports the theory that any area of interest will fall on the
junction of several map sheets!
     This chart covers parts of Albania, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina,
Croatia, Hungary, Italy, Montenegero, San Marino, Serbia, and Slovenia.  The
Government Printing Office has been contacted to ask what SuDocs number they
plan to assign this sheet as it does not follow the numbering pattern for its
series.  The DMA stock number is TPCXXBOSNIHERZE, and it was lithographed by
DMA in December, 1995.
John Stevenson
University of Delaware Library
Government Documents and Maps
Newark, DE 19717-5267
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