Hi Frits,
I agree that this issue deserves great priority! At CIMMYT I had constructed
an Access database to output information via Excel for CERES-Maize. CIMMYT
are also developing large plant breeding databases that include provision
for storage and output of data for model purposes.
We already have versions of databases that do exactly what you are
suggesting (logbook style with experimental design and calendar etc.) and
interface to APSIM simulation models at APSRU. Russel Muchow and colleagues
at CSIRO developed Sugarbag to consolidate info for sugar research and we
are now working on a sorghum version of the database. These databases can be
adapted to output in formats for DSSAT style models also and can also be
used to store different crops if necessary. APSRU are working on a more
complete database system that is in a more prototype stage.
(I've written a conference paper (bit boring though!) about these database
issues on my WWW page at:
see the paper for refs to Sugarbag database)
This issue has been ignored for a long time and deserves to be remedied
scott c.
At 10:55 22/02/96 -0600, you wrote:
>This is in response to Carlos P. Caldeira's message of 21 Feb.
>The information contained in the DSSAT files is organized well enough =
>that it would not require great effort to transfer it to a formal =
>relational database.  To my mind, though, the real challenge for someone =
>interested in databases for applications in agriculture, is to develop =
>of a data model that is complete enough to capture all information that =
>relates to agronomic experiments.  The DSSAT file system captures the =
>summary information that is most relevant to modelers, but it fails to =
>capture the rest.
>An ideal database would allow storage of the entire experiment protocol =
>(goal, objectives, design, implementation, methods of measurement and =
>instrumentation) and all raw data.  In other words, it should be =
>possible to enter - in a structured manner! - into the database all =
>information that traditionally is entered into the experiment logbook.
>If anybody has plans to work in this area, or has made some progress =
>already, I would be interested to hear about it.
>Frits van Evert
>University of Minnesota
>Dept. Soil, Water and Climate
>St. Paul, MN 55108, USA
Dr.S.C.Chapman                                          /^\ --
Agricultural Production Systems Research Unit (APSRU)  / ??> ---
c/o Department of Agriculture                         / ?  ?> -----
University of Queensland                             /    ?  > ------
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