----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Most of you remember this one..but in the USGS Professional Paper 1453 (An
Album of Map Projections) there is a projection very suitable for today....
so if you forgot to get your sweetheart a card (like I did!!) ...this one
will do in a pinch...
figure 47B, p. 115 is the Werner Projection  (shaped like a heart)
"The more complex and sophisticated our systems of
lateral access,  the more we sacrifice in the way of depth."
Sven Birkerts (in The Gutenberg Elegies, 1995)
James Boxall (Map Curator)
Map Collection, Science Services
Killam Library, Dalhousie University
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Canada    B3H 4M8
(t) 902-494-3757
(f) 902-494-2062
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Host Site for the Association of Canadian Map Libraries and Archives 1996
Annual Meeting
"What in observation is loose and vague
is in information deceptive and treacherous"
Francis Bacon, 1621