----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Map Folk:
I hate to do this, but I have to repeat my offer of a couple of weeks ago.
Before I got around to shipping the fiche to the people who asked for them,
Eudora acted up and destroyed about 50 messages in my in-box.  So, I have to
repeat the offer, so that the people who requested the copies can remind me,
and send me their snailmail addresses.  Apologies to the rest of you.
USGS Professional Paper 1336-B, New Madrid Earthquakes
USGS Professional Paper 1462, Mineral Resources of the Charlotte 1x2 Degree quad
USGS Professional Paper 1503, Mississippian rocks in Kentucky
USGS Bulletin 1787-P  Middle Cretaceous stratigraphy on the south and east
sides of the Uinta Basin
USGS Bulletin 1701-F,  Mineral Resources of teh Harcuvar Mountains
Wilderness Study Area
Jim O'Donnell
Geology & Planetary Sciences Library
California Institute of Technology
Pasadena, California   91125  USA
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One of the advantages of being disorderly is that one is
constantly making exciting discoveries. -- A.A. Milne