----------------------------Original message----------------------------
On Thu, 15 Feb 1996, Plumart, Larry wrote:
> ----------------------------Original message----------------------------
> Do you know if anyone catalogs maps by coordinates (besides the Defense
> Mapping Agency).  The maps would have to be search retrievable by
> coordinates, scale, sheet #, edition, etc. Not limited by series.
Try my experimental map catalog:
At the moment it only allows coordinate queries (but is linked to a name
database for easy lookup) and the scale information isn't present at the
moment but should be soon.  Keep in mind that this is just a first
generation prototype.  I'm working on a second generation prototype where
both searches and results are graphical and other map attributes such as
scale, map type, and dates can be used in the search process.
Of course, this all depends on accurate coordinate information. The
coordinate (and other) data in this database is courtesy of GEODEX.
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